Growing Eggplant.
The Eggplant should be more generally grown, for when well grown and properly cooked is a most delicious vegetable. The seeds germinate slowly and should be started in a strong, uniform heat, and kept constantly growing, because the young plants seldom recover if checked in their growth. Sow seeds in hot beds or warm greenhouse in March or early April; if no hot bed is at hand they may be grown in any light room where the temperature will average 75 degrees. When plants have formed two rough leaves, transplant them in beds 3 or 4 inches apart. Keep the bed closed and very warm, shading from the direct rays of the sun, giving an abundance of water until the ground is warm and all danger from frosts and cold nights is past, then harden the plants by gradual exposure to the sun and air, then increase the supply of water; transplant to the open ground late in May or June into warm, rich soil, 2 or 3 feet apart each way, according to the richness of the soil. When about a foot high draw the earth up to the stems. Transplant once all danger of frost has passed, 18″-24″ apart in rows 2-3 foot apart. Water deeply once a week, or more often if it is hot and dry. Eggplants will need stake or cage support as the fruit can be quite large. When cutting or weeding, be careful of the fragile root network near the surface.
Eggplant – Long Purple$2.60 – $56.80
Eggplant – Black Beauty$2.60 – $52.00