Bean Bush – Carson Wax PVP


60 Days  |  A tender, sweet wax bean that did very well in our garden. A very nice bean for market or home. Slimmer than Indy with a 5 1/2″ round, yellow, straight pod, similar to the older Goldrush Wax. Resistant to Anthracnose, Bacterial Brown Spot, Common Bean Mosaic Virus. This handsome yellow bean is quite eye-catching both in the garden and in the kitchen.

SKU: 15B


60 days to maturity

6-12 days to sprout

Bush bean seeds per packet: About 150

Bush bean seeds per 1/2 Lb: About 750

Bush bean seeds per Lb: About 1,500

Planting should be delayed until all danger of frost is over with a minimum soil temperature of 60 degrees Fahrenheit at 4 inch depth. Dwarfs are earliest and most hardy. In garden culture, beans are usually planted about 2 inches deep in rows 20 inches apart, and 3 inches apart in the row, in field culture, in drill rows 20 to 30 inches apart to cultivate with tractor. Until blossoming season, frequent but shallow cultivation should be given.Deep cultivation after the plants show bloom is very apt to ruin the crop. Do not disturb plants when covered with dew. One pound will plant 100 feet of drill. Allow 50 foot row per person. To afford a regular succession of crops throughout the season, plant every two weeks after the first planting until midsummer.

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Weight N/A
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2 Lb. Bag, 1 Lb. Bag, 1/2 Lb. Packet, Packet, 500 Seed Packet


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