Beet – Early Wonder Tall Top


50-60 Days to maturity 10-12 Days to sprout Beet seeds per packet: About 450 Beet seeds per Oz: About 1,500 Beet seeds per Lb: About 25,000 Plant 3/4″-1″ deep, in rows 24″-36″ apart, thinning to 6″-9″ apart once the seeds sprout. Packet will sow about 20 ft. Soil: should be rich, deeply plowed, preferably heavy loam. Plant as early in the spring as possible (beets will stand light frosts) or may be started in hotbed and transplanted for extra early. For a continuous harvest, plant at 3-week intervals to Aug. 1.


50 Days | Valuable to home gardeners and market growers as a first early variety. Tall, fast growing tops are suited for use as greens. Roots semi-globular with smooth dark red skin and relatively uniform interior color. An heirloom variety which has been in our catalog for over 60 years, Early Wonder makes 3″-4″ semi-round globes over 45-60 days, although “baby greens” can be harvested as early as 40 days.

Packet contains about 5 grams of seed.

Plus shipping items will include postage depending on size of the order.

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