
Growing Salsify or Oyster Plant
This plant is not generally known, yet should be in every garden, as it is easily grown and produces a heavy crop. It is an excellent substitute for oysters when sliced and boiled until tender and seasoned same as oysters. The markets are beginning to call for it and the prices are always good. How to plant. As early in the Spring as the ground will do to work the plowing should be done as deep as possible so as to allow the roots to grow long. Pulverize the soil well so as to prepare a fine seed bed and sow in rows 18 inches apart and one inch deep. One ounce to 50 feet of drill or seven pounds to the acre. When well up thin to two inches apart but not farther as the roots grow straighter if close together, but twist if further apart.

It is ready for use in October and part should be dug for winter use and stored same as carrots. The balance can be left in the ground until Spring, but must be dug early before it starts to grow.

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