Celery – Utah 52-70 R IMP


120-140 Days to maturity2-3 Days to sproutCelery seeds per packet: About 5,000Celery seeds per Oz: About 70,000Celery seeds per Lb: About 1,120,000Plant 1/4″-1/2″ deep, in rows 24″-36″ apart, thinning to 9″-12″ apart once the seeds sprout.Celery plants are usually set in the field about 7 inches apart in rows three or three and one-half feet apart. Frequent cultivation and irrigation is necessary, an abundance of fertilizer must be used unless the soil is exceptionally rich. As the plants approach maturity they must be blanched by hilling with earth or with boards or special blanching paper. Late celery should be trenched…

SKU: 5-3D — 220CL


120 Days | Tall, cylindrical and erect stems growing up to 2 foot, this improved Utah can be grown without trenching. A popular home and market variety, and disease resistant to Western Celery Mosaic. It is also good for short seasons since celery bunch can be harvested once stalks have grown more than 6″ tall and is frost tolerant.You will not be charged shipping costs on products that have ‘free ship’ indicated in their title. Otherwise, shipping charges will be added during checkout based on the total weight of the order.

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