Cabbage – Early Jersey Wakefield


60-75 Days to maturity 4-10 Days to sprout Cabbage seeds per packet: About 1,000 Cabbage seeds per Oz: About 7,000 Cabbage seeds per Lb: About 110,000 Plant 1/4″-1/2″ deep, in rows 24″-36″ apart, thinning to 12″-18″ apart once the seeds sprout. Cabbage is one of the most important of the garden crops and should always receive careful attention. The first thing necessary is good seed, as without this failure is sure. The soil should be deep and rich. For early crop grow plants in hot beds, transplanting to cold frames and then as early as possible after danger of freezing…

SKU: 5-2E — 178CB


60 Days | An early home garden favorite, one of those varieties that we have carried since 1902. Plants are compact, short stemmed and slow to bolt, with blue-green conical or egg-shaped heads weighing 2-3 lbs. and averaging 5″-6″ in diameter. Resistant to Fusarium Yellows, splitting and bolting. Often stored over winter by pulling up the plant, and hanging with root intact.Packet contains about 3 grams of seed. Plus shipping items will include postage depending on size of the order.

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