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Cantaloupe – Pancho Grande F1 Hybrid
70-90 Days to maturity 3-7 Days to sprout Melon seeds per Oz: About 1,000 Melon seeds per Lb: About 16,000 Plant 1″-2″ deep, in rows 6′-8′ foot apart. Thin or transplant to a spacing of 2′-3′.Water at base of the plant every 10-14 days until melons reach softball size.
80 Days | Pancho Grande is the biggest cantaloupe in the garden. This eastern shipper type melon has a lot to brag about. With a brix rating of 10-12, they have super-sweet flavor. The oval fruits average 15-20 Lb. each and have medium netting. Harvest at 3/4 slip when the skins changes from bluish to yellowish/tan and the stem develops a little drying or corking. If you wait until the melons slips from the vine, it will be over ripe. Excellent Powdery Mildew and Watermelon Mosaic Virus resistance.You will not be charged shipping costs on products that have ‘free ship’ indicated in their title. Otherwise, shipping charges will be added during checkout based on the total weight of the order.
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