Pea – Austrian Winter Cover


Best known for adding nitrogen fixing bacteria back into the soil, these old style field peas are similar to most other snow peas, with small peas in nearly flat pods that can be eaten whole. They are also popular with rabbits, goats and other grazers when added into a field mix.

SKU: 6-15B — 10CC


Austrian Winter Peas are a cold-tolerant cool season legume. Often used for erosion control and as a cover crop or temporary hay crop. Builds nitrogen and organic matter in fields and gardens. Seed in early spring or fall. Used in cover crops in rotation with nitrogen dependent crops like corn. Attractive pink-purple flowers appear in late spring. Tilling the peas into the soil once flowers appear ensures the highest nutrition return to the soil.

When you think of cold weather garden plants that you can harvest throughout the winter, what comes to mind? Spinach, kale, cilantro, chickweed, arugula, claytonia… there are a ton of winter garden goodies to choose from that can tolerate temperatures down into the teens. Well, we’ve got another one that you should add to your list: Austrian winter pea greens. Tender young growth tips of Austrian winter peas. The greens taste like sweet sugar snap peas, but have the texture of lettuce. The pea pods are also good young, or left to mature and used as dried peas, can be used to make an unforgettable split pea soup.

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