Pepper Hot – Cayenne Long Thin


70-95 Days to maturity 7-21 Days to sprout Pepper seeds per Oz: About 4,500 Pepper seeds per Lb: About 72,000 Plant 1/4″-1/2″ deep, in rows 18″-24″ apart, thinning to 12″-18″ apart once the seeds sprout.

SKU: 3-3C — 36Q


70 Days | For those who like it HOT, this thin-walled pepper is what you need! Fruit 5-6” long, dark green that turns bright red at maturity. A favorite among the cooks who like to add spice. Good producer in the field and suitable for container gardening. 30,000 to 50,000 Scovilles.Packet contains about 1 gram of seed. Plus shipping items will include postage depending on size of the order.

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