
Growing Broccoli.

This super food is easy to grow. While cold hardy, the heads are larger if broccoli seeds are planted when danger of frost is over. Broccoli that matures in the fall has better flavor. Once the main head is harvested, numerous side shoots can be enjoyed for weeks.

We offer only the best, Western grown for greatest insurance against seed born diseases. Broccoli requires more care and “know how” than most crops and it is advisable to go slowly until experienced in growing. Best to schedule planting for fall harvest. Minimum soil temperature of 40 degrees Fahrenheit at 4 inch depth.

Gardeners with a short growing season will want to start seedlings inside and transplant with other warm crops like zucchini. In a warm climate, plant seeds directly in ground approximately 80 days before last frost date. Planting depth is 1/8″ to 1/4″ deep, 2′ apart in rows 3′ apart. Broccoli is a moderate to heavy feeder and would benefit from occasional feedings of manure tea. Keep evenly moist, especially while forming flower heads. Harvest before buds open. 

Good companion crops are beets, nasturtiums and marigolds. Bad companion crops are tomatoes, beans, squash and strawberries.

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