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New Packaging

Waterproof resealable foils.If you have gotten seed from us this year, you may have noticed our new packets, intended to allow seeds to be protected from pests, water and air, allowing seeds to be kept for next season.

We know that not everyone has the time, space or ability to use every seed in one of our packets… and we know that most people only need a few zucchini, pumpkins or watermelon plants in their garden to begin with.

So we are beginning the process of upgrading our packets to allow seeds to be stored better. While packets will still need stored in a cool location, the new airtight, waterproof mylar foils means that when you open them next year, you should not be surprised by pest eaten, mildewed or rotted seed as long as the packet was reclosed tightly.

Please remember, not every seed has the same lifespan, and some like herbs, onions and fine seed flowers will have significantly lower germination as they age, however, most seed is still viable for one additional season.

Crop Seeds per G Seeds per OZ Seeds per LB Seeding Rate
(per acre)*
Min. Germ. Percentage Days to germ Best germ temp
Artichoke 22 630 10,080 1 lb. 60
Asparagus 34 950 15,200 1 lb. 70 2 – 3 7 – 21
Bean – Bush 4 100 1,600 85 lb. 70 5 – 8 60 – 85
Bean – Lima 4 100 1,600 150 lb. 70 5 – 9 65 – 85
Bean – Pole 4 100 1,600 50 lb. 75 5 – 8 60 – 85
Bean – Soy 6 175 2,800 85 lb. 70 5 – 8 70 – 85
Beans – Black 3 75 1,200 40 lb. 70
Beans – Lentils 21 600 9,600 50 lb.
Beans – Pinto 2 70 1,120 50 lb. 70
Beans -Kidney 2 50 800 75 lb. 70
Beet – Cylindra 53 1,500 24,000 15 lb. 65 3 – 14 55 – 85
Beet – Fodder 53 1,500 24,000 10 lb. 65 3 – 14 55 – 85
Beet – Round 53 1,500 24,000 10 lb. 65 3 – 14 55 – 85
Broccoli 317 9,000 144,000 8-12 oz. 75 3 – 10
Brussel Sprouts 282 8,000 128,000 6 oz. 70 3 – 10
Cabbage 229 6,500 104,000 6 oz. 75 3 – 10
Cabbage – Chinese 388 11,000 176,000 6 oz. 75 3 – 7
Carrot 705 20,000 320,000 2.5 lb. 55 6 – 21 45 – 85
Cauliflower 317 9,000 144,000 5 oz. 75 3 – 10 45 – 85
Celery 2,293 65,000 1,039,999 1/2 oz. 55 10 – 21 60 – 70
Chard 53 1,503 24,040 7 lb. 65 3 – 14 50 – 85
Corn – Heirloom 5 150 2,400 15 lb. 75 3-10 60 – 95
Corn – Sweet 7 200 3,200 15 lb. 75 4 – 7 60 – 95
Collards 300 8,400 13,000 1 lb. 70 3 – 10 55 – 70
Cucumber 34 950 15,200 2.5 lb. 80 3 – 7 60 – 95
Eggplant 229 6,500 104,000 1.25 oz. 60 7 – 14 75 – 90
Gourd 30 840 13,440 na
Grain – Amaranth 1,235 35,000 560,000 2 lb.
Grain – Barley 18 500 8,000 75 lb.
Grain – Buckwheat 33 949 15,186 50 lb.
Grain – Millet  176 5,000 80,000 20 lb.
Grain – Oats 34 950 15,200 75 lb.
Grain – Quinoa 353 10,000 160,000 10 lb.
Grain – Rye  18 500 8,000 75 lb.
Grain – Sorghum 35 1,000 16,000 10 lb.
Grain – Wheat 18 500 8,000 75 lb.
Herb – Basil 564 16,000 256,000 n/a
Kale 282 8,000 128,000 1 lb. 75 3 – 10
Kohlrabi 247 7,000 112,000 5 lb. 75 3 – 10
Leek 388 11,000 176,000 12 oz. 60 6 – 14
Lettuce 882 25,000 400,000 6 oz. 80 7 40 – 80
Muskmelon 39 1,100 17,600 12 oz. 75 4 – 10 75 – 95
Mustard 529 15,000 240,000 1.25 lb. 75 3 – 7
Okra 18 500 8,000 14 lb. 50 4 – 10 70 – 95
Onion 317 9,000 144,000 6 lb. 70 6 – 10 50 – 95
Oregano 9,500 280,000 4,400,000 na 7-14 70 – 75
Parsnip 176 5,000 80,000 6 lb. 60 6 – 28 50 – 70
Peas 4 125 2,000 275 lb. 80 5 – 8 40 – 75
Peppers 176 5,000 80,000 3 oz. 55 6 – 14 65 – 95
Pumpkin 8 225 3,600 4 lb. 75 4 – 7 70 – 95
Radish 94 2,675 42,800 25 lb. 75 4 – 6 45 – 90
Spinach 74 2,100 33,600 10 lb. 60 7 – 21 45 – 75
Squash – Summer 9 250 4,000 6 lb. 75 4 – 7 70 – 95
Squash – Winter 6 175 2,800 2-7 lb. 75 4 – 7 70 – 95
Salsify 240 6,800 110,000
Tatsoi 423 12,000 192,000 1 lb. 75
Tomato – Beefsteak 265 7,500 120,000 1 oz. 75 5 – 14 60 – 85
Tomato – Cherry 353 10,000 160,000 3/4 oz. 75 5 – 14 60 – 85
Turnip 335 9,500 152,000 6 lb. 80 3 – 7 60 –105
Watermelon 14 400 6,400 1.5 lb. 70 4 –14 70 – 95
Zinnias 150 4250 68000 3 Lb.